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Cheap and Fun Summer Date Ideas

All photos used are from WeHeartIt. I do not own any of the photos used.

Summer's the season for lovin' and so I am bringing you some fun and cheap date ideas which you can enjoy with your other half, a group of friends or even just by yourself as just a little pick-me-up if need be.

Without further a do, Fun and Cheap Summer Date Ideas;

Have a Picnic

Picnics are cheap, easy and fun. All you need is a blanket, a cute location, some food and a date.

Personally I love picnics, and would consider them to be in my top 5, if not 3, favorite date ideas because I think that there is something so innocently romantic about the whole concept.

Usually picnics are a casual and relaxed day time date, but by having it at dusk, decorating with some candles and/or fairy lights and adding wine, as well as a more "thought out" selection of foods, you could turn it into a very sophisticated and romantic evening.

Picnics also be held at your local park, beach, a location with an incredible view or even your own garden.

Go To A Carnival

During the summer months there are usually many carnivals around, so take the opportunity to go and have some fun with your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Carnivals are generally pretty cheap, as you usually only pay for the rides and games that you want to go on or play.

Carnivals have a very relaxed, fun and casual atmosphere. There's a lot to do and you are constantly surrounded by crowds of people, which, for first dates when things can get a little bit awkward, it is a huge help.

Go Roller Skating

Honestly, I've never been roller skating with a date or otherwise, but I have always wanted to go because it just seems super fun.

There's plenty of excuse to touch or hold hands with your boyfriend/girlfriend, it's cute and romantic and honestly what's better than watching your other half stumble all over the place while trying to keep their balance?

Visit the Aquarium

If you happen to have an aquarium in your city or somewhere close to you, take a day trip there.

Aquariums are not only interesting but also filled with beautiful fish and other sea creatures.

I really like aquariums personally because I love learning about animals, and it's honestly just magical walking through floor to ceiling length tanks of water, filled with all kinds of interesting and colourful fish.

Go To a Drive in Movie Theater

Yes these still exist, you just need to find one.

Drive-in movie theaters are the age old perfect date spot. You see them in movies, you sometimes see them in real life, so if you can find one, go!

It's a million times better than going to a regular old theater and since you have your own space in your own car, you can get as snuggly and cuddly as you wish.

Go To a Free Festival

Throughout summer there are usually a lot of free or very cheap food/music festivals around.

If you happen to stumble upon one, go in and check it out. You get to eat many different types of good food, discover new companies and brands and just have a relaxing time with a partner or a group of friends.

Take Them to Play Your Favorite Sport

If one or both of you really enjoy a certain sport, or in general are just sporty people, take the other to play that said favorite sport.

It will be enjoyable for the both of you because, you will be doing something together that one of you loves but also, I think that it would be quite a good bonding experience.

Not to mention, a little competitive-ness is always fun.

Mini Golf

Mini Golf, much like the last one, is a good, fun way to show off your skills and add a little bit of light-hearted competitive-ness

to the day.

Also, if you happen to have 'glow-in-the-dark mini golf' somewhere near you, maybe opt for a game of that instead.

Fruit Picking

If you like the outdoors and don't mind being out in the summer sun, then fruit picking is perfect!

I love the idea of picking your own fruit and veggies, and many places offer this in the summer months.

You can have a cute date and lots of delicious fruits and berries all for one. Maybe even take some cute pictures for your Instagram if your partner is up for it!

Take a Train To a New Town

Now this may be a little expensive depending of where you live and where you're going, but, if you don't mind splurging a little, then taking the train or bus to a nearby town or city that you haven't really explored yet is an amazing idea for day out!

Exploring new places is always fun, doing it as a part of a date can be even more enjoyable because you get to create new memories together and the best memories are always created while doing something new and exciting.

Go "Sailing"

I called it sailing because to be honest I didn't know what else to call it, but if you have a lake nearby often times you can rent little boats there also.

Go with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or your puppy, to the lake, rent a boat and just enjoy the relaxing and peaceful atmosphere.

You could also bring some food and drinks and have a little picnic on the boat.

Wander Around a Flower Garden

Flower gardens are beautiful, no doubt about that, and I think that just wandering around the gardens, looking and taking pictures of all the colourful and beautiful flowers is a great idea for a date.

This probably isn't for everyone, but if you like these kinds of things I then definitely suggest it for your next date!

The Simple Things

I decided to list these things all together under one heading because they don't really need an explanation and are literally just the "simple things" you could make a date out of.

- Build a fort

- Stay in and cook

- Take them to your favorite spot

- Go on a bike ride together

- Have a barbecue at the beach or in your garden

- Go camping at the beach or in your back garden

- Go and watch the sunset

- Go on a breakfast, lunch or brunch date

And that's all! Of course there are many other ideas for cute and cheap dates, especially in the summer, but these are just suggestions that can hopefully help you out when struggling to think of something to do on a tight budget.

Let me know down below if you have any more suggestions for cheap dates and if you enjoyed this post!

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!


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